Episode Description

Testimonial Video Description

Conscious Enterprises Network (CEN) presents its new series of webinars, "Journey to Conscious Leadership". Each month, different speakers will introduce us to how they embrace conscious leadership and their vision for the future of humankind.

In this video, CEN invited Aline Frankfort & Jean-louis Baudoin, specialists in Creative and Strategic Thinking , who invented a WORD to open up a WORLD - which is not leadership or Entrepreneurship: it is the Art of shaping the Future.

It is a way to look at the world with radical authenticity and integrity. This might lead us to live our daily lives in alignment with our long-term aspirations and dreams.

When Mental Maps Shape the Landscape

What if we could change our mental maps so we could change the way we shape the world? We are all creating the society we are living in and contributing through our decisions and actions.

Changing the way we look at this reality is the core of the matter Jean Louis and Aline discuss in this video.  

Shapership is the culmination of a long study and experience in the life of Aline and Jean-Louis who can guide us to becoming aware of our mental perspectives and to refresh our mental maps.

Transmute uncertainty, fear, despair, stupidity which have been rising to top levels and say hello to a revolutionary approach that brings imagination, hope and freedom to move forward. Shapership enables this transformation.

The Shapership project pursues the ambition to build the future on the highest human hopes, aspirations, imagination, and desires.

The culmination of 20 + years of extensive experience with companies and organisations of all size, led to the concept of Shapership.  They have written books, assembled  know-how, created new activities and have given birth to the Shapership Academi a place to learn the Art of Shaping the Future.

Episode Transcript

John Carter

Entrepreneur & Podcaster

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